~Things I Learned from Watching Ronin Warriors~

  • Respect your elders.

  • Child abuse is okay.

  • White tigers are legal in Japan. (And you can ride them like horsies!)

  • Having a high IQ doesn't necessarily make you smart.

  • Broken swords? Throw them in a volcano. That will fix them good.

  • Give evil a second chance--not everything is as it seems.

  • Headbands are often included with subarmor. (Check out Gaiden! Where did those come from?)

  • Never underestimate little girls.

  • Jewel hunting often wakes the dead.

  • You can always count on your friends when hard times come.

  • Old school rocks!

  • You can do it if the Ancient One says you can.

  • "The soul of righteousness never gives in to evil!" (Yeah!)

  • Sometimes it's not so bad playing the damsel in distress.

  • If you mix red, green, light blue, orange, and dark blue together, you get white.

  • If an evil Dynasty Lord comes to take over your town, live it up! No one is going to remember what you did after it's over.

  • No matter how hard it is to find Rowen, you cannot go without him.

  • If it is a big, giant floating head, it must be evil.

  • When fighting an evil opponent of the opposite gender, playful banter is always a must.

  • Deer make freaky zombies.

  • If you have magic armors, the rules of gravity and physics are optional.

  • You can slap kids all you want, but don't call them useless or it will come back to bite you in the ass.

  • You are always stronger together than you are apart.