Doujinshi Anthologies

These anthologies are all from the same publishing company. I *think* it's just called "Trooper" but I could be wrong. I'm not sure how many volumes this particular series goes. I have volumes 1-5, 7 and 9. Volumes 1-5 came with sweet color poster inserts. Click on the cover pic to see the poster for that volume.

This one has a great collection of stories and art. Including great gags based on the second OVA and a cool story where the Ronins visit Mia and find she's being harrassed by these business type guys. It ends with her being kidnapped and I freaked out. Where was the rest of the story?! I had to know what happened! I hoped and hoped I could get the second half of it in one of other other anthologies because it's next to impossible to find the singles the doujinshis came from.

I was SOOO happy when I got this one I cried tears of joy. It had the second half of the story where Mia was kidnapped. I thought I was going to die if I didn't find out what happened. I'm so glad the publishers decided to included the second half of this story in their anthologies. It's definitely one of my favorite stories.

There's lots of great gag stuff in here, some of which has already been scanned and posted in my humor page. And despite the military cover, all the single art between stories has a Valentine's Day theme.